Privacy Policy

Polski FM 92.7 FM Privacy Policy

The website of Polski FM 92.7 FM reserves the right to employ cookies. In legal parlance, a 'cookie’ is defined as a minor text file situated on your computing device, designed to accumulate data regarding your utilization of a particular website and enable said website to identify you. It should be expressly understood that a cookie will not provide a website with the capability to acquire any personally identifiable information (inclusive of your legal name and residential address) that you have not voluntarily divulged.

Your web browser’s settings may be adjusted to alert you in the event of attempts to install cookies on your computing device, or to restrict the variety of cookies you consent to. It should be emphasized that while our website does not mandate the acceptance of cookies, the refusal of such may potentially impede the proper operation of certain services.

At present, our website incorporates cookies to assist in website navigation and uphold the quality of user accessibility. Furthermore, we utilize cookies to tailor our site specifically for returning visitors. Additionally, we engage in the use of the subsequent Google cookies:

  • Google Analytics: Our website incorporates the Google Analytics tool to glean information regarding the site’s usage. This tool collects data such as the frequency of user visits, the specific pages they access during those visits, and what other websites they engaged with before navigating to our site. Google Analytics employs User-ID, Device-ID, and Modeling to generate identity reports, but it does not collect IP addresses or any other identifying information.Moreover, we use a feature of Google Analytics known as User ID, which enables more precise user tracking by associating a specific user with the same ID across multiple sessions and devices, including laptops, smartphones, and tablets. It’s important to note that the User ID feature does not permit Google to identify an individual personally or permanently identify a specific device.We may utilize the User ID extension to link data from Google Analytics with other data about you that we have collected on this site. This practice assists us in better understanding your use of the site and enhances our ability to refine our business and marketing strategies.

    While Google Analytics installs a permanent cookie on your web browser to recognize you as a distinct user upon your subsequent visit, this cookie can only be used by Google. The usage and sharing of information that Google Analytics collects about your visits to our site are bound by the Google Analytics terms and conditions. Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to this site by disabling cookies on your browser.

  • Google Ads: Additionally, we employ the Google Ads remarketing service to target our past visitors with advertisements on third-party websites, including Google itself. This means, for example, that Google Ads might prompt individuals who have previously visited our site to encounter advertisements for Polski FM 92.7 when they view the Google search results page or browse a site within the Google Display Network.Similar to Google Analytics, Google Ads also installs a permanent cookie in your web browser to identify you as a unique user upon your return to our site. It is important to stress that this cookie can only be utilized by Google. The use and dissemination of information collected by Google Ads regarding your visits to our site are constrained by Google’s terms of service and privacy policy. Privacy Policy. You can opt out of Google Ad’s use of cookies by using the Google Ad Preferences page. You can also opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page.

Polski FM 92.7 also reserves the right to utilize pixel tags, web beacons, or other similar technologies, each herein referred to as a „Tag”. A Tag is a minuscule segment of code that can be integrated into the HTML in a variety of manners. When activated – either by the rendering of HTML content containing the Tag or a user’s interaction instigating the Tag – the Tag dispatches anonymous, non-personally identifiable data to a server. This information can include a numerical count, a unique identifier, or an IP address.

We employ Tags to perform numerous tasks, including tracking the activities of website users and email recipients, evaluating the efficacy of our communications, and compiling statistical data about website usage and response rates. We may also implement third-party Tags on our website to display interest-based advertisements to our website visitors on various sites across the internet.

Google Places API Web Service: Segments of our website utilize the Google Places API Web Service, specifically the Place Autocomplete Service. The usage of this service is subject to Google’s terms and conditions. Privacy Policy. You may opt-out of these services through Google’s currently available opt-outs for the web.

During the process of obtaining quotes or managing accounts with Polski FM 92.7, customers may be asked to provide personal details and we may also gather data from third parties. This information helps us to offer accurate quotes, process claims, ensure correct billing, and provide effective customer service. All personal information disclosed or acquired is retained securely with us and will not be sold, traded, or rented to external entities, unless permitted by law.

This site contains several links to other sites. Polski FM 92.7 is not responsible for the security or privacy practices of these sites, the products or services offered by these sites, or the content appearing at these sites. Polski FM 92.7 does not endorse any of the products or services marketed at these other sites.

If you have any questions about this security and privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with our company, you can contact us at

Last updated on:  May 4, 2023

